"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Monday, April 19, 2010

Neil and Jackie are baaaaaaack!

Last night our church held a "meet and greet" for one of the new pastors who will be joining the staff . We are so excited that Rev. Neil and Jackie Kulp will be coming back! While I was in youth group, Neil was the youth pastor. I have many fond, silly, exciting, and awesome memories of both he and Jackie. For many years they were a part of the crazy Shore weekend where Neil would lead us in worship around the pool on Sunday mornings(maybe they'll come again:) Neil was also the leader on two of the missions trips I went on to Nova Scotia. Memories that will last a life time.
Last night, their eldest, Melissa was their with her two beautiful(they take after their pretty mama) children, Eowyn and Caid. They are absolutely adorable...just precious. My kiddos got a kick out of Eowyn, she is just personality plus!

We took a snap shot last night and little Caid joined us:)
Bob took the pic and as you can tell he wasn't concerned who or what was in the background....hee hee!


  1. I am sorry I missed being there last night!

  2. I don't think I have been that "tan" since this past August. Nice work Bob!
