"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Monday, February 8, 2010

The "pop-pop newman" genes run deep!

The "Pop-Pop Newman" genes run deep!

We have a very tight stairwell to the basement steps that gathers way too much stuff. It holds brooms, mops, pencil sharpener, hooks for everything and anything, a place to "throw" things when kiddos are cleaning up and don't want to put aforementioned "stuff" away, a little shelf, bags,.....you get my drift. ( In fact, my mom and several friends won't even go down to the basement because of the risk factor) A little while ago, As I would try to make my way down to the basement freezer...taking my life into my hands...I would get to the bottom of the dimly lit steps, get what I needed and then take the trek up praying that I would not fall...all the while...mumbling to myself(wwrrh...grrrrr...kidsss...told them to put.....the stinkin....uggh)anyway...as I would make these dangerous outings to our freezer every time I would come back up with this dusty stuff all over my clothes....frustrating I would go outside and knock it off and shrug it off until the next time....you see, I was too busy to figure it out at that moment and quite frankly just relieved to be out of that hole! Sadly to say, this happened several times before I figured it out! Here's a pic to show you what had been causing this dust.......

Apparently, the part that holds the pencil trimmings had been knocked off in probably an attempt to cling to it for dear life and....well...disappeared into the big black hole in the basement and one of my precious children came up with a solution.....I call this a "Pop-pop Newman" invention! Yeppppp, very clever you might say?! I would have to agree...


  1. Okay, this is too funny!! Looks like something Anthony would make, so my money is on Nate...By the way, the basement looked great last time I went down there!!

  2. Did he/she have their tongue out touching their nose while configuring this??? ehehehe

  3. It was Robbie...he didn't inherit the tongue out...Karen...I would have thought Nate too being that he loves to dig things out of the dumpster and make stuff with it;)

  4. Hey Cayte- Welcome to the world of blogging! I have enjoyed your narratives already and look forward to reading more!
