"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A SURPRISE from East Africa!

We have been keeping a secret from our kids, that our good friend and brother Eliud was flying in from Africa to be in Caleb and Carrie's wedding this Friday.

So today, Caleb stopped by to have the boys "help" him carry some boxes from the trunk....and this is what they found..........
What!!!??? E-L-I-U-D!!!!!

Couldn't have been more excited!

still in shock..
friends and brothers!
the girls were equally as surprised!

I love surprising our kids!! This was a great one!  The boys reaction was, "This was the best present!"

And once, they heard he would be staying with us....it was even better!  We are so thankful for Eliud, he holds a big place in our hearts and our family!  We look forward to spending much time with him..he is a blessing!


  1. that's AWESOME! I was wondering how they were going to do the surprise today! how exciting :) my kids are so stinkin excited to have him stay with us ..... and they were like, "do we really have to "share" him with the hirschbergs? :) when they heard he'd be splitting his time :) he is definitely loved!

  2. how cool!!!! have a great, great time!!!!!!

  3. such an awesoem surprise!!! enjoy this precious time together...i'm sure many fun memories will be made =)

  4. Hey! I commented! What happened to it???
