"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Crocheting is the new thing!

My friend, Karen came over the other day and taught Maggie, Gracie and I how to crochete. Well, being that I have knitted in the past(scarf....25yrs. ago...one time)I thought that I would be able to pick this up in no time and be making sweaters, vests, blankets, and purses per request. Little did I know, this was going to require some skill and much patience!

Karen, demonstrating how "easily" this is and how I will "pick it up in no time".....mmmm
this is mine........after 3 hours

Maggie and Gracie having fun

This is Maggie demonstrating the belt she made.....ahhh.....yeah...she sure didn't get those crafty genes from me!! She came in later that night and said, "mom, I made a belt!" She even put the button on herself!

These are the beautiful assortment of purses that Karen made! Such talent! She has two boys, so I am thinking she needs to come and hang out with my girls and get her craftiness out!


  1. So cool! I want to learn to knit too. Sigh.

  2. my mom tried teaching us to crochet years ago....yea...that didn't go over real well. guess i don't have those creative genes but how fun that you were able to spend that quality time with your girls!!

  3. Tell Maggie I am so proud of her!! What a great belt!! It was a really fun day....I love hanging out with the girls.

  4. how fun! wow...i'm gonna put an order in with maggie! i'll take 2 belts please :)
