"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fantasy Island..."de plane..de plane"

We've all read about the "destination weddings" and "elope at the islands" which promise the most romantic settings to commit yourselves to each other in matrimony on the Island of Love....which is some remote beach where the beauty is breathtaking. Come on, BE HONEST we've all imagined it...."your hair blowing ever so gently in the breeze as you walk down the beach to your prince charming as he is gazing adoringly at you.....while your sun-kissed skin is glistening from the dew of your carribean setting. The sun is just perfect...no sweat on the brow as the singing love birds fly overhead while the nuptials take place. The waves splash upon the sand with just a hint of strength and the slight tinge of the ocean air wafting through your senses. The guests sit in awe of the beauty of the moment and with tears streaming down their faces they look in rapt silence as the magic unfolds before their very eyes. A momentary twinge of envy washes over them hoping that someday they too could find a love so strong and beautiful, one that words could never express. When the final murmerings of the couple's love and devotion have been spoken he sweeps her ever so gently up into his strong arms and they ride bareback on a white stallion....into the sunset...............

BUT.....I had the unsettling opportunity to capture the harsh realities behind the aforementioned nuptials...take a look with me now.......
(for added effect double click on each picture)

Imagine the let down I felt as I heard the snap
of the tape recorder playing here comes the bride
while abruptly ending mid song.

the onlookers irreverently got up to get a drink at the "tiki bar"

frrrrt....the attire was quite disappointing

as the uninvited onlookers were an eye-sore

Needless to say, I found myself appreciating, all the more
my wedding from 15 years ago with my sappy(handsome)
prince charming crying while I walked down the aisle.


  1. Hahahahahaha!! Eeewwwwwwww to the guy in the bikini bottoms.

  2. that's hysterical! and you were there taking pictures as an onlooker :) funny! it reminds me of sandals in the bahamas..i think we saw 15 weddings that week :)

  3. Nothing says romance like a speedo on a man that's not your spouse...and boasts of back hair. Sometimes those old school weddings - church style- are really where it's at!

  4. talk about "irreverent" attire!!!...LOL!! i wouldn't give up my long sappy traditional church wedding/reception...i enjoyed every minute!!!

  5. oh my, how could i have forgotten to comment on this post? Perhaps i'm still trying to erase the imagery from my corneas. Eek!

    I'm speechless. How's that? well, maybe one thing: weener bikeener. EW!
