"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cooking Class

I decided to start teaching my kiddos how to cook. So each week I am going to try to teach them a new dish. I started out with potato salad since summer is rapidly approaching. If any of you would care to have this recipe I could give it to you but must first confess it will be given to you "Nana style" in other words, I can give you a pretty good estimate but not an exact measurement. Tasting it is necessary for this delectable dish to turn out yummy!


  1. Watch out. Once your boys learn how to cook, well, you'll be beating the ladies away with a (soft) stick.
    p.s. Bacon in Potato salad? hmmm... I think my mentor Paula Deen would approve.

  2. May I recommend a coookbook that Holland got for Christmas...it's Paula Deen's cookbook for kids...it's great b/c it's easy for them to follow and has pictures, which prove the whole marketing sells idea at a very young age! I think she put out a second one now, but I know the first one is great!

  3. way to teach the kiddos now so they can start cooking for you!!!

  4. How can something that looks so simple taste so good? Yum...send the recipe my way. I guess I should start teaching my kids to cook....would how to pour their own cereal without making a disasterous mess be a good start?

  5. Cayte, I love your and Karen's idea for a cookbook!! Start em' young. :-)

  6. Jill, I agree, start with the cereal. Also, getting out the sugar without spilling all over the floor, counter etc. Another recommendation is to teach is the "wiping the counters off, cleaning up with a CLEAN wash cloth, well wrung out" skill. Just a few observations from my days as a mother and why I wasn't anxious to teach cooking. I do think, however, that this is an excellent skill to learn as a child and am not proud for not having done so..

  7. Nice work! Takes a lot of patience on Mom's part to put up with the mess and imperfections but I'm sure it is well worth it in the long run!

    My mom didn't really specifically teach us to cook (other than the basics, eggs and such) but from the time I was 10yrs old or so she let me have free range in the kitchen. I was obsessed with trying to make every dessert recipe in her cookbook! The main rule was leaving the kitchen clean, all dishes washed etc.
