"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh Noooo he didn't!

The return of the "cup"!

WARNING: Some might lose their stomach over this...it might be enough to put you over the edge...I don't know, I'm getting used to this sort of thing(look at previous posts). However, not all would expect to find this at the dinner table! He got a talkin to about this one! ahhhh, grossssss, totally inappropriate to have while we are eating. He, of course, even after our little discussion, still didn't see the problem with this. Boys, whatcha gonna do?!

Melissa, how are you feeling about adopting my kids now?! :)


  1. Bwhahahahahah!! It must be a boy thing...or a Nate thing.

  2. hahahahaahaa...having three boys of which two are involved in baseball and have to wear those thingies it doesn't surprise me one bit!!!

  3. I AM changing my mind...just kidding. Seriously, is this life with boys? I think I might just want to emasculate mine...at least until he's 18 and out of my house. Or maybe I could borrow Robbie and Nate for a weekend of "shock therapy" so I am better equipped to handle a "cup" at dinner.

  4. haaa haaaa! shock therapy might work well!! Ha!

  5. It's the combination of events like these that develop who we are and who we are to become....too funny!
